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Taking Back Sunday and The Used co-headlining tour

Tonight Alive

Hearing that Tonight Alive would be the direct support for The Used and Taking Back Sunday’s co-headlining tour was definitely a selling point for me. These guys always put everything they have into their shows and every time they blow me away. Jenna McDougall has the most incredible vocal control and her range is incredible, never mind that she spent the whole set jumping all over the place. Everyone in the band has a relentless amount of energy I was skeptical the first time I saw them on Vans Warped Tour but they have since surpassed my expectations.

Taking Back Sunday

Since this is a co-headlining tour, Taking Back Sunday and The Used take turns alternating between who performs first, today was Taking Back Sunday’s turn to be first on stage. The last time I saw them about six months ago in Baltimore, they just didn’t seem to have the same spark I am used to seeing when they play Vans Warped Tour or other major festivals. I was curious to see if that was a one time thing or if they really weren’t a club show band. As soon as they came on stage they fought every second to put on a show they could be proud of. Frontman, Adam Lazzara is so much fun to watch, he is very static in his movements and is famous for swinging his mic all over the stage and getting tangled in the wires, and he sounded phenomenal. He hit every single note, I can say without a doubt this is the best I had seen him. Bassist Shaun Cooper was another that stuck out for me, he spent most of his time hanging out at the top of the stage and working to make himself accessible to the crowd. I’m glad I was able to make this show and see what Taking Back Sunday could really do in an intimate environment.

The Used

These guys are the sole reason I really wanted to catch this tour. I have seen The Used twice, both times headlining Vans Warped Tour, the first time, I was so disappointed, Bert McCracken spent most of his set in the middle of the stage, just him and the mic stand. There wasn’t much dialogue, he didn’t move very much, just overall forgettable performance. The second time I saw them, they had done a complete 180, Bert was energetic, he had color packets he was spraying the crowd with, he was jumping around and everyone, on stage, and in the pit was having a blast. So naturally they sparked my interest when they came around. One by one everyone came onstage and started playing the intro to their newest single “Cry” and a wall of TV screens lit up as Bert ran onstage singing. As their set progressed they played a good mix of their old hits and some songs off their new album, “Imaginary Enemy.”  I definitely noticed a lot more political activism throughout their set than I am normally used to hearing from them, but it didn’t take away from their show at all, in fact it added fuel to the fire and everyone in the crowd got super amped to take a stand. Incredible show, I am looking forward to hearing the new album and seeing where it takes them.

Tonight Alive

Taking Back Sunday

The Used

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